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Life Insurance Review


The life insurance industry has likely changed since you bought your last policy. New products have been developed and prices are falling; yet many policies are still underperforming. Meanwhile, your financial goals may have also changed.

The old buy it and forget it mentality no longer applies. Data shows that nearly 75% of all life insurance policies can be improved.

Executive Planning, Inc. provides an objective assessment of the life insurance you own to help you determine if your insurance is still suited to your financial goals and your products are still competitively priced.


We open the black box of life insurance and provide information to trustees, advisors and insureds so you can make an informed decision about life insurance. Reviews are provided on a fixed fee basis.

The insurance review is a written report that typically includes:
•Needs assessment relative to client objectives
•Detailed policy summary including a review of policy ownership and product type
•Comparative survey of current insurance products to determine the most favorable pricing
•Evaluation of policy charges and assumptions and their impact on performance
•Evaluation of the insurance company’s current financial ratings and outlook
•Evaluation of funding strategies including split dollar arrangements and third party financing
•Recommendations to bring current policies in line with initial expectations if they are underperforming
•In-force re-projections of future cash values and death benefits based on up-to-date results compared to original expectations
•Restructuring strategies such as: consolidations, 1035 exchanges (which are tax free), face amount decreases, or sale of a policy to a third party (when coverage is no longer needed)

The end result is an understandable and objective evaluation of you insurance and a clear roadmap for the future.


The cost of life insurance is declining and today’s coverage may be less expensive than it was when you bought your last policy.
Life expectancies are increasing and medical care is improving, making new life insurance policies less expensive. If you haven’t reviewed your life insurance policy recently, you may be paying too much for coverage.

Many policies are underperforming.
Due to several years of low interest rates and uneven market performance, many older policies may not be performing as originally intended. The cash value of your policy today may not be what you thought it would be when you bought it.

The risk of liability for trustees who hold trust-owned life insurance is now a serious issue.
Although many do not realize the risk, trustees have a legal duty to monitor trust-owned life insurance. Executive Planning can help trustees implement best practices for policy management and improve the likelihood of a favorable outcome for beneficiaries.

Substandard health risks are now insurable.
Due to advances in medical care, many conditions such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes may now be considered standard risks.

Funding strategies have changed.
Innovative policy designs and funding techniques may be better suited to you financial situation, particularly for the sophisticated client with complex needs.

Not all products are created equally.
Special lower-priced products have been created specifically for the high net worth marketplace based on actuarial statistics for this group.


If the purchase of new insurance is appropriate, you may elect to purchase your insurance through Executive Planning. If so, we will coordinate with your attorneys, CPA and other advisors to implement these changes. Periodically we will review your policy’s performance with you and your advisors to ensure your coverage continues to meet your needs.